
Thursday, August 29, 2013

All About Animals!

Preschool today was a success!

The kids did a lot better since it was day two, and we felt the flow of things was much easier!! Playing at the end was great.

We were able to spend a little more time during our intro "Circle Time" thanks to our wonderful job chart.

We pointed out each child's name and talked about what they were able to do today!

Our special person was Lydia, and we talked about all her favorite things!

Each child sat on their mat and it went with them to every room they went, including the table!

She got to wear the yellow ribbon!

During Circle Time we also sang our ABC song where we practice the sounds of each letter.

The kids enjoyed some extra songs.

Each child brought their favorite animal, since it's Animal Day!

Here is Robby with "Grrr" his bear.

Each child talked about their animal and what sound it makes.

We also introduced our behavior chart during Circle Time.

A few children had to move to yellow today, but I think they'll get the hang of it. 

I brought it into each room, so they could see it every where they went.

I also pointed out when it everyone was on green, so we can emphasize the positive.

Then we moved rooms for our lesson about Animals.

We sang the song about 5 little monkeys who are hiding from Mr. Alligator...

As well as the song about 5 little ducks.

A few kids got to try on the costumes, which was fun but also caused a little contention.

The kids lined up to sing "Old McDonald" and had fun going through the sounds. Of course they're all trying to carry their animals everywhere.

Each child got a sticker for singing well. 

Then they went outside to talk about Doodle. They talked about his fur, how he gives kisses, and what he eats.

Even though they wanted to play, it was back in for more work!

Each child got to sort stickers into the FARM or the ZOO, depending what type of animal it was.

Then it was snack time!

Each child put a crasin on the animal that "oinks" or an animal that is orange, etc. 

Then they took craisins away, and added them to others. They learned about addition and subtraction.

Then we read a story about animals.

After lunch, we did playdough. 

We made the letter A, and each child got to use a specific color.

After a little while, we put them back in the jars and rotated. The kids did great separating the colors and keeping it mess free!

Miss Hiedi also made animals and had the kids guess what they were...

Then it was outside for play time and dancing!!


And a little ROARing...before the moms came!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our First Day--Letter A

It was our first day of Preschool!!

Miss Hiedi was in charge and we learned all about the Letter A!

We put our hands up high in a point for our BIG A, and we made a circle over our heads for little a.

Then we went on an apple hunt and got to find a BIG A and a little a. We strung them on a necklace and read a poem about picking apples!

The kids loved taking a turn picking things out of a bag that start with a. We found an airplane, apple, and an apron. We talked about the three different sounds A makes, and it was so fun!

Just before snack time we wrote everyone's name on a place mat with squeeze cheese. This way they could see their name and decide if they had an A in their name.

We had crackers and cheese, and some traced their names with their fingers in the cheese!

Miss Hiedi also showed the kids how an apple slicer works, and talked about the different colors apples can come be.  We tried all colors of apples, and even had dried apples!

We colored our apple coloring sheets with red, green, or yellow!

Then it was time to go play outside! 

While the kids were playing outside, we snuck a picture to post here, and also for our place mats! 

 Robby was our special person today, so he got to wear the special ribbon we gave him during Circle Time.

After a fun day of learning and playing, we went inside for a little more coloring. With stickers and markers, we decorated our place mats so we will have them for weeks to come!

Then while waiting for the moms, we played bean bag toss.

Miss Hiedi asked, "Who's wearing pink?" She then got to throw the bean bag, and each child got to find someone else who was wearing pink to pass the bean bag to.

Then all the moms came. It was a fun first day!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to our Co-Op Preschool Blog!

After our meeting last night, I know we are all excited to get started.

Hope this blog can be an easy way to share what we do throughout the year!

See you Tuesday!