
Monday, January 27, 2014

Raindrops keep falling on my head!

Day 2 with the Letter "R" was so much fun! Danell did an amazing job planning! Especially since it was super cold outside and we had to keep the kids occupied longer inside!
This week was Ruby's birthday! So perfect that her name starts with the letter "R"! The kids also recognized that Robbie starts with "R" and the Jerry, Carly and Carmen all have a little "r" in their names! It was very ironic that all of the "L" names did not have any r's!
We read a special book for Ruby's birthday! "Ruby in her own time". There were lots of letter "R"'s in the story! All of Ruby's siblings had R names and they also experienced a fun R word! ...

The kids had so much fun taking turns choosing a raindrop off of the special umbrella and doing a fun Rain activity! Here they are jumping over puddles!

Ruby had a hard choice to make!

They explored how clouds (cotton balls) absorb moisture and then become heaving and rain.

They said a fun rhyme about the water cycle.

Practiced rolling like raindrops. Forward ...

And tried backwards too!

We all made thunderstorms with lots of wind,


and Thunder!

They also sang some fun songs about rain!
We sang Happy Birthday to Ruby and enjoyed some yummy Red cupcakes!

And then finished off the day by painting Rainbows!

The Letter "R" Rocks!!!

Tuesday was a fun day learning all about the letter "R"! In fact, the kids found out how much that letter "Rocks"!!!
The kids all started out putting together puzzles and building castles. I am so impressed at how well they all worked together to build an amazing palace!
After circle time, they each got to draw an item out of a bag and say whether it starts with the letter "R" or not. Carly drew Rice.

Then they were each given a handful of rocks. Each kid took a turn to sort their rocks into the cups according to big rocks and small rocks.

Next came the bigger challenge! They were each given more rocks and their own cups where they had to sort them according to color. Not as easy as it sounds when some of them are turquoise!

Next they each picked a beautiful rock, which Carly carefully gathered before class, to decorate with some "Red" treasures! It was fun to see their creativity and personalities on this one!

And, last, they each outlined a big R and little r with rocks to practice their letter recognition!

It was a fun day for the letter "R"!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Q for Quilt, Quack, Queen, Quick, Questions and More!

Another fun day at preschool with letter Q!

We did a focus on Quilts this time around... 

And for circle time we got to sit on a quilt!

During attendance we practiced answering our Questions!

 Miss Jill would pick a who, what, when, etc. question for each child! 


We talked about being LOUD and QUIET. 

We talked about how during prayer we're quiet, and other times we have to be quiet too. 

We did a little dancing and froze when the music stopped. We danced slowly when it was soft, and crazy when it was loud! A good way to get some wiggles out!

Then we revisited our Q track.

This time we talked about SLOW animals and QUICK animals. Each child got to pretend to be a certain animal, and of course we yelled go QUICK when we wanted them to speed up!

Cheeteas, snails and roadrunners were some of our favorites! 

Then after our Q song...

We got to do our own quilts!! 

We talked about sewing, and how it plays peek-a-boo with the other side.

I thought it was going to be hard, but the kids did great!

They had a fun time lacing their cards!


Then we talked about a new letter Q...QUAIL!

This boy Quincy finds a family of quails and helps save them.

It's a short clip on YouTube from Sesame Street here.

Then we stopped it on the Q, so we could see what it looks like again.

We took turns tracing and writing our own letter Q's.

We made up a little rhyme about going around and out, and around and down...

Then we had a special presentation about QUEENS!

I had pulled up pictures online of famous queens.... Queen Elizabeth, Queen Ester, Queen Elsa...

And told the children about queens and what they do.

Then we lined up and went to our special quilting room!

Each child made his/her own quilt...

In the squares they drew their family, birthday month, favorite color, hobbies, etc.

They turned out great!

Then we got some more wiggles out with our Quick RACES!!


We lined up at the START, and each child got an animal they had to pretend to be.

Then we said, ready, set go...and they ran down the hall as fast as they could being that animal. 

Snack time!

Mac n' Cheese!...lots of smiles!
Then we did a little more coloring and stickers and patterns...

And counted a few beans...
And read some stories about quilts!


And spent the last 30 minutes playing outside...lots of chalk...sorry!!


We love preschool!!