We started out our Easter celebration today by using little droppers of food coloring to make some beautiful flowers!
Then we each got a little egg carton. Each spot in the carton was numbered.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!
We all went into the other room to find an egg for each spot in our carton.
Six spots, six numbered eggs!
Once everyone had a full carton and had their numbers in the right order, we helped Miss Jenni tell the Easter story using our eggs.
The contents of each egg told us something about what happened to Jesus.
Jesus gave his apostles the sacrament to remember him by.
He went to the garden of Gethsemane to suffer for the sins of all mankind.

He was crucified and died on a cross.
His body was placed in a tomb and a large stone was rolled in front of the doorway.
On the third day, Jesus' friends found that the tomb was empty!
Jesus had been resurrected! And because of what he did, we can all be resurrected some day, too!
We each got to glue a paper into our carton that would help us (and our parents) to tell the story again later to our family. We also wrote our names on a paper and glued it on the top so we would know these were our "Resurrection Eggs."
Next, we headed to the kitchen table where we got to make a snack for later! But this was a special snack with special meaning.
We each got a big marshmallow that represented Jesus- pure and white.
We rolled our marshmallow in butter to represent the cloth that Jesus' body was wrapped in after he died. Then we rolled it in cinnamon and sugar, because they used to put spices on the bodies.
Next, we put it in the "tomb." We wrapped our marshmallow up in a triangle of crescent dough. We had to get it completely covered and Miss Jenni and Miss Hiedi helped us seal them up well so you couldn't see the marshmallow any more. Just like Jesus's body was placed in a tomb and a stone was placed in front of the door to cover and protect it.

Each "tomb" roll was placed in a muffin tin. Then into the oven they went while we continued with our Easter celebration!
We did our shakey egg song again like we had done on Tuesday!
Then we got to make some bunny masks!

And no bunny is complete without ears.

We talked about how new baby bunnies are usually born in the spring time. That is why we do bunny stuff when it is spring and Easter time.
We hopped around like little bunnies. We even did a dance called the "Bunny Hop."

Then it was the time we had all been waiting for....
Our Easter Egg hunt!!
We went outside and got to find 10 eggs each!
Next, we headed to the kitchen table where we got to make a snack for later! But this was a special snack with special meaning.
We each got a big marshmallow that represented Jesus- pure and white.
We rolled our marshmallow in butter to represent the cloth that Jesus' body was wrapped in after he died. Then we rolled it in cinnamon and sugar, because they used to put spices on the bodies.
Next, we put it in the "tomb." We wrapped our marshmallow up in a triangle of crescent dough. We had to get it completely covered and Miss Jenni and Miss Hiedi helped us seal them up well so you couldn't see the marshmallow any more. Just like Jesus's body was placed in a tomb and a stone was placed in front of the door to cover and protect it.

Each "tomb" roll was placed in a muffin tin. Then into the oven they went while we continued with our Easter celebration!
We did our shakey egg song again like we had done on Tuesday!
Then we got to make some bunny masks!

And no bunny is complete without ears.

We talked about how new baby bunnies are usually born in the spring time. That is why we do bunny stuff when it is spring and Easter time.
We hopped around like little bunnies. We even did a dance called the "Bunny Hop."

Then it was the time we had all been waiting for....
Our Easter Egg hunt!!
We went outside and got to find 10 eggs each!

Then, time for snacks!

Our rolls were hollow and empty! Just like when Jesus' friends had come back to the tomb and it was empty, because Jesus had risen from the dead!

We ate our rolls and pineapple/grape flowers. And of course some carrots, since bunnies like carrots, you know. :)
At the end we got to decorate a cute bunny cupcake to take home with us!

Then it was play time until our parents arrived!!
Happy Easter everyone!