
Thursday, September 5, 2013

B- My BODY can move!

 Before Circle Time started, we took turns rolling a BALL back and forth. We learned the difference between rolling and throwing and each got to share something that started with B.

We took roll and got to see WHOOO was here today! 

Carly was our special person today and I was glad her mom was there to help. We needed it today!

During Circle Time we tried to find our Heart, during the Pledge.

We learned the difference between RIGHT and LEFT, and it was a little tricky.


After Circle Time, we started off learning about our different body parts. 

Then we played Hoky Pokey and Simon Says! Figuring out which foot to put in was a little hard. We may need to practice that a little more.

 Then we got a little more specific about our body parts and learned about hinges! Elbows, knees, etc.

We say "All made of Hinges" and the kids liked that.

They were getting a little antsy (asking for snacks, asking when we get to go outside, asking for bubbles...)

So we decided to roll BALLS through the tunnel. That was fun, but it didn't last long.

Then we took turns putting our BALL back into the BASKET.

 Then it was time for our coloring activities. 

I probably had too many things that took concentration.

Some kids followed, others didn't. 

We had an ABOUT  ME, BODY PARTS, MAZE, and WHO'S DOING WHAT activity sheet.

Then snacks...each child got to be creative and try to make a body!

We also talked about what foods help our body be healthy. We showed them a baby and talked about how you come to earth as a baby, and need sleep and good food to help you grow! 

SIDE NOTE--Also, we found the kids will ask and ask for lots more food. They were all kind of yelling requests, like MORE PRETZELS, MORE CRACKESs, and it got crazy. We tried our best to keep everyone satisfied, and then we decided we would just say, "that's it." So, don't feel bad if at your house, you give snack and that's the end of it. I'm sure they're hungry, but trying to keep all of them under control is tricky, especially with food! :-)

Then it was outside to play! 

Everyone did ok during Circle Time, but playing outside, we had some behavior problems. 

The teeter-totter swing was just too fun, so Ms. Danell helped with sharing..

*Side note Kimberly-- Lydia and ZeeZee's original pictures went missing. I've looked everywhere and I'm so sorry I can't find it. The kids like to move and play with them, so I printed a stand-in for now. I'm sorry!! 

Then to cool off, we did our BOY puzzle. This helped review numbers.

Then we read a BOOK about BALLS and all the MOVEMENTs that a BALL can do!

Weeeuf! I think that was it!! 

Yay for preschool. Your kids are great!

*Let me know if the next couple rotations need any help updating the blog!!

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