After opening exercises Miss Juli introduced the letter G and the number three. We talked about the sound G makes and words that start with G. We then headed inside to watch a short movie of "Three Billy Goats Gruff". After watching the movie we went back outside to do a craft. We made our own billy goats out of toilet paper rolls.
After our craft we went on a long walk to visit some billy goats. The kids did such a great job holding on to the rope. We had fun seeing all of the goats especially when they came close to the fence.
When we got back from our walk it was snack time. We learned how to make the color green by mixing blue and yellow. We each got a turn mixing eggs with yellow and blue food coloring to make them green. While the eggs were cooking we headed into the house to watch "Green Eggs and Ham". Some of the kids were a little nervous about trying the green eggs. We talked about trying new things and how it can be a little scary. Everyone tried the green eggs and they were a huge hit.
After snack time we headed back in to play DON'T EAT SAM!!!!!! Everyone absolutely loved this game. Some were a little more timid and took their time while others tried to eat the m&m's as fast as they could. It was fun to see everyones personality come out.

We finished the day with a little bit of free time out back. We played on the bounce house and kicked some balls around. All of the kids did great and were well behaved. Everyone stayed on green the whole day.
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